sistemi di gestione e di organizzazione certificati
Responsabile Dott. Vincenzo Attardo

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Con il termine sistema di gestione si intende un insieme di procedure , di sistemi informativi e di sistemi informativi dedicati al governo di un processo tipicamente operativo, produttivo o amministrativo.
- Sistemi di Gestione per la Qualità secondo la norma ISO 90001:2008
- Sistemi di Gestione della Salute e della Sicurezza secondo la norma BS OHSAS 18001:2007
- Sistemi di Gestione Ambientali secondo la norma ISO 14001:2004
- Sistemi di Gestione BRC - SIstemi di Gestione BRC-IOP
- Modello Organizzatio sulla responsabilità D.Lgs 231/2001
- Modello di Comportamento Etico SA 8000
- Marcature CE

Serving the interests of our clients. Personalized support and relationships matter to us. Because we are owned by banks, we are empowered to deliver top-notch support and services able to add on additional.
Serving the interests of our clients. Personalized support and relationships matter to us. Because we are owned by banks, we are empowered to deliver top-notch support and services able to add on additional.
Serving the interests of our clients. Personalized support and relationships matter to us. Because we are owned by banks, we are empowered to deliver top-notch support and services able to add on additional.
Serving the interests of our clients. Personalized support and relationships matter to us. Because we are owned by banks, we are empowered to deliver top-notch support and services able to add on additional.
Serving the interests of our clients. Personalized support and relationships matter to us. Because we are owned by banks, we are empowered to deliver top-notch support and services able to add on additional.